If the first few chapters of this letter to the Hebrews were a slow build to define and describe the significance of God’s truth, the final two chapters are a rapid-fire plea for application.
In episode 2, we will explore the idea of Bible study and the reason that I think it is so important. I will share with you about my approach to Bible study and why I thinks it is worth you (and my!) time. The Scriptures are not the only place that the Lord reveals Himself, but they must be the primary place that we seek Him. Otherwise, we won’t know how to recognize Him in the other facets of our lives. We must believe what He has revealed about Himself in His written word in order to more clearly understand Who it is we approach.
Thank you for joining me here on this podcast! I hope and pray that this will be a place where you will be encouraged to know and recognize the presence of God in your actual life. So often, we are tempted to believe that, if our circumstances or lives were different, then we would be able to see and love and trust God more. But in my own life and in the lives that I’ve observed, God is faithful to show up right here in the days where we find ourselves, even when those days don’t hold what we had wanted or expected.