In Lesson 8, we talk about the significance of remembering. We are encouraged to remember what God has done for us — to recall His past faithfulness and remind ourselves that He can be trusted. We are also reminded that the Old Covenant, with its sacrifices and offerings, provided a reminder of sin year after year. Under the New Covenant, when Christ extends His perfect forgiveness, He no longer remembers our sins. Instead, we celebrate communion as a way to remember what Christ has done for us.
Christ has come once to save us from the death our sin deserved–to draw us to Himself. He will return to save us from the consequences of that sin — to unroll His perfect and unshakeable kingdom upon this earth.
Helpful Links for Lesson 8-Remembering
- EP 9: Handout – Lesson 8: Remembering
- Workbook is Available on Amazon – Hebrews: Drawing Near to Jesus

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