Given time alone, an infection is just as likely to fester as it is to heal.
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Given time alone, an infection is just as likely to fester as it is to heal.
I’m sure my attitude did not please Him that evening. But I still please Him. And He found a way to remind me.
A few weeks ago I found myself in a room loud with worship. I tend toward the quiet side of most things, and I’m kind of easily overwhelmed or overstimulated or over-somethinged when things are loud or full of motion.
It feels like forever since I've written here. I've loved hearing everyone else's stories and seasons and have learned so much from them this summer! But I'm also glad to be back.
A friend of mine once described Annalee as someone you accidentally tell all your thoughts to because you know she really cares and you know that she is safe. It's true. She knows the questions to ask and the time to ask them. She carries the peace and the presence of God with her throughout her days, and we know Him better because of her. Thank you, Annalee, for the way you live your life in every season and for sharing your wisdom here.
Darcee and I met Kathleen at an event at my mom's place (Lydia's House) in Brenham. She was immediately likable and knowable--both trustworthy and trusting. She creates an environment of openness and point us to the Lord's presence, likely without knowing she is doing it. I think it was her authenticity and willingness to share about her journey that first gave Darcee the idea for this series. I hope you'll enjoy her words below.
Kelli is honest and open and also hilarious! She has more than once offered me (and countless others) the freedom to be myself because she has been bold enough to be herself. Her freedom makes room for us to walk in freedom, and I hope you will hear that invitation below. It is from the Father, straight from His daughter's mouth (or...keyboard, in this case)!
I love the season of life that Macy finds herself in these days. Loving it isn’t me saying that it isn’t hard, but that I find her in a season of saying yes. Of exploring. Of newness. Of trusting. It’s encouraging to me to see someone doing something different. Allowing themselves to walk away from comfort and into the unknown believing that her God is coming with her. What would the rest of us do or walk towards if we fully knew, believed and trusted that He really, really would be with us too?
Without hesitation, the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about Macy Jahns is joy. She radiates it, effortlessly, and I think sometimes without her even knowing it. She is selfless in the way that she loves and cares for others, always putting them first, and she is intentional about spreading the love of Christ. But, my favorite thing about Macy, is she’s real. Real enough to encourage you and real enough to understand the hard parts of life. I’ll leave you with her words below as I’m thankful for her joy and realness that without a doubt have stemmed from her seeking the Lord.
I’ve dropped the ball on the whole “Counting the Omer” thing. If your May looks anything like mine, maybe you have too. It’s okay. Whether we’ve been actively counting the days or not, we’ve made it forty days from Easter, forty days from the Feast of Firstfruits when the sun rose on an empty tomb, and Life Himself walked victorious from the grave.
If you're following along on the Scripture reading plan from Firstfruits to Pentecost, this week you'll be reading about the power of the Holy Spirit, which was promised. As we reflect on the Holy Spirit of God, let's ask Him to demonstrate His power in our hearts and lives and world this week!
Sometimes we need to take a moment to look back on a year that held things we didn't expect but yielded things we didn't imagine. Sometimes we need to turn around for just a moment before we step across that finish line and celebrate the fact that the strength of our God does not depend on the strength of our faith. Even when my faith has faltered, my God has not.