It’s been so long since I jumped on here to say hi. I’ve been writing a Bible study week by week, which I haven’t done in over a year. It’s taken me a while to find my rhythm. And the last thing I’ve wanted to do when it’s finished is come and write more words. But right now there’s chicken broth boiling on the stove. And there are pumpkins on the porch (because they were called “Cinderella pumpkins” and I couldn’t pass them by). And it’s been warm this afternoon but there’s been a hint of cool in the air for the past week, and it feels like fresh hope.
Somehow all of those things together make me feel settled.
I don’t have anything new to tell you. I’m the most awkward person in the world when you ask me “What’s new.” Uhh…Not much. I stick with “not much” instead of “nothing” — maintain a little mystery.
What is with our obsession with new anyway?
Well, we’re going to play a new game. It goes like this. You ask me: “What’s still the same?” There is way less pressure this way. Now I tell you five things:
1. I still really like living in the city. I love to visit my family in the country but I do not want to live there for two reasons. First, I really like that when I go to the country, I have no real responsibilities and it feels like vacation. If my life was there, I think it would ruin it. Second, I love to be around people without actually being with them. I love being at a busy coffee shop alone and being surrounded by people that I don’t have to talk to. I don’t feel like the country would be conducive to that kind of behavior.
2. I still don’t run. I walk. I got a bike (that’s new — which is kind of like cheating in this game, but there you go). I go to the gym. I go to exercise classes. Still. Don’t. Run.
3. I’m still a bit of a nerd. I started taking Greek and Hebrew classes this semester (there you go again, tricking me into telling you new things), and I love it. I just really like text books and spirals and memorizing things. In high school, a friend told me: “You and your mom are just like the Gilmore Girls. Your mom is super cool, and you’re…well…you like books.” Oh. Yep. Thanks for that. [Side note: have you heard about Luke’s coffee day? It’s tomorrow morning. You’re welcome.]
4. I still really like to have my nails painted.
Sometimes Darcee and I like to match.
5. I still sleep through movies. After recently falling asleep during two movies at the theater, I did manage to stay awake through When Harry Met Sally. Lindsee (one of my roommates) told me she was so proud of me. Then this picture popped up from my junior year of college:
It’s not old age that made me lame, folks. I’ve been sleeping through movies my whole life.
That’s all I’ve got. Your turn. What’s still the same with you? Or tell us what’s new. But no pressure to make it newsworthy.
Naomi Du Toit
October 5, 2016 at 2:51 pm1. I am still nervous of flying to another continent and I have to find my own way to the hotel.2. I still love drinking coffee alone in a cafe in the day
3. I still feel uncomfortable going alone to a restaurant at night
4. I still feel a little uncomfortable when asked personal questions in public
5. I still am hopeful that joy will overcome all
Cody Andras
October 6, 2016 at 3:05 amI’m also a uncomfortable about restaurants alone at night. I don’t know why it’s so much different than lunch. I can handle lunch but dinner makes me nervous. Thanks for sharing! I hope your Thursday is filled with JOY!
Julie Hixon
October 5, 2016 at 7:08 pmI loved this blog, Cody, actually we’re a bit alike, and your self-disclosure gives this ole gal more acceptance of myself….
Cody Andras
October 6, 2016 at 3:06 amJulie, you should for sure accept yourself because the rest of us love you!
October 5, 2016 at 7:34 pmI still love being your Mama!! I still love the country!! I still don’t really walk or run — that’s what horses are for!! I still fall asleep at the movie theater (it might just be genetic!).And I’m still “super cool” compared to my bookworm, word-loving daughter who has so much to say!! And I still love listening to you and learning so much from your words!!
Love you tons!!
Cody Andras
October 6, 2016 at 3:02 amI still love being your daughter. And I still love telling you all my words. Love you back!
October 8, 2016 at 2:53 amsame: you are still high on my list of favorite this just moved up to one of my favorite posts you’ve ever written.
same: it’s before 10pm and friday night so it’s the earliest i’m tucked in bed all week
(happens every week and makes absolutely no sense)
new: i have a nightcap of iced coffee with me tonight instead of water.
same: my iced coffee is always from the toddy.
new(ish): it’s extra good and independence pecan thanks to your recommendation.
Cody Andras
October 14, 2016 at 1:43 pmHa! Annalee! I just saw this. You’re the best. Love you!
Susan Money
October 21, 2016 at 7:56 pmCody,You are adorable!
I still love reading your NEW blogs.
I still love being a gramma and as you know, I have two new ones to love.
I still love reading and finished Beth’s new book last week.
I still love the cooler weather and all things fall.
I still love Jesus and his new mercies everyday.