A Place in His Presence (Digital Workbook)
This nine-week Bible study explores the story of Scripture. In these lessons, you will consider all that God has done to offer us a way back to His Presence—of all that He has done to draw us to Himself.
A Place in His Presence (Digital Workbook) is a nine-week Bible study that looks at the whole story of Scripture.
The Lord’s plan, revealed in Genesis through Revelation, has always been to draw His people back to Himself. This study follows the developments of that plan through the major events of Scripture. We will follow the story from Eden through the Wilderness into the land of Israel. We will watch Israel fall to the surrounding nations and God gather them back to Himself. We will witness the life and death of the Messiah and Savior, and we will watch Him pour His Spirit out on the Church. We will look for His return, we will wait for the New Heaven and the New Earth, where everything will be made right and we really will dwell forever with our Lord. Until that day, we will consider our place in His story as we find our place in His Presence.
Whether you’re new to the study of His Word or have done hundreds of studies, I hope that this one will allow us to see the Lord and His plans for His creation in a new light and with greater clarity.
This is a digital version and will be sent to you as a PDF, which you can download for yourself. This workbook is also available as a hardcopy.
There are complimentary teachings that accompany the workbook, which are available as video or audio on the A Place in His Presence course page.