Today is my 29th birthday. If you consider a birthday a finish line, I have successfully(-ish?) completely 29 years of life. If you consider it a starting line, it’s the beginning of my 30th year.
And in celebration of that 30th year, just for fun, I’m making a list of 30 things I want to do this year that I’ve never done before. Don’t feel the need to find this interesting. It’s mostly for me.
So far I’ve thought of 19 things. Some are more easily achieved than others. Feel free to submit your suggestions for review. Should I choose to accept, you can come along. I also plan to leave a few items blank. You know, leave room for the unexpected!
1. Go to a trampoline park. It’s how I imagine living on clouds would be. (If clouds weren’t vapor and actually felt the way they look.) We did it! I convinced our discipleship group it would be a great idea. It was! Until the next day when we remembered that we aren’t twelve anymore.
39 Likes, 7 Comments – Cody Andras (@cody.andras) on Instagram: “Discipleship group takes on trampolining. Because sometimes you need to act like 4th graders, laugh…”
2. Cook a lobster.
3. Roast a turkey. Maybe for a major holiday. Maybe for a random Wednesday. We shall see. I don’t actually like turkey. But it seems like something you should know how to do before you’re 30. I did it! Read about it here.
4. Visit Cody, Wyoming. (I’m named after it, didja know that? But I’ve never been there. Incidentally, neither have my parents. Also, today, I got an email inviting me to the Bayou City Fellowship Men’s events. Haha! I declined the invite. But thank you, Mom and Dad, for the gender-neutral name. It has provided ample opportunity for awkward.)
5. Take a train from Chicago to San Francisco. It’s reminiscent of the Oregon Trail. But there’s no need to hunt rabbits/buffalo or to ford the rivers. I’m accepting applications for travel companions.
6. Stop waiting for a “reason” to write what I want to write and start actually writing it.
7. Ride in a hot air balloon. (I think.)
8. Read at least one classic novel. I haven’t really ever read any. What do we think? I’m leaning toward Emma. Or Gone With the Wind. (Is that a classic?)
9. Go to the top of the Empire State Building. (This is mostly a ploy to get back to NYC!) Did that too! Want to see a picture?
45 Likes, 4 Comments – Cody Andras (@cody.andras) on Instagram: “We made it to the top of the Empire State Building!”
10. Run/Swim/Bike a triathlon. A short one. Preferably in a pretty place. Where the water is clear. I reserve the right to bail on this.
11. Use my brother’s name more frequently in conversation. It has recently been brought to my attention that even some of my closest friends don’t know his name. I talk about him all the time. I always say, “my brother…” and never his name. It’s Hunter, by-the-way. Now you know.
I kind of adore him.
12. iFly. Do you know about this? You can fly. It’s a new life goal.
13. Read the whole Bible. So far, I’ve made it to 2 Kings…
14. Visit the place where the four states touch. Even though my cousin Mark informed me that there is nothing there. Well, I will be there. Someday. This year.
15. Float the river. I’ve never done this. Dear friends who went last year without me, you’ll have to go again. We did it. And I [mostly] enjoyed it. But here are some thoughts about something that made me really mad.
16. Use eye cream regularly. I just got some and started using it on Wednesday. We’re off to a great start.
17. Learn to make ice cream. This is more of an immediate goal. Thank you, Kimi and Katie, for the ice cream maker!
18. Wipeout Run. March 28. Save the date. …and DONE! Read about it here.
19. Finish crocheting a blanket that I started for a baby who is now in the 2nd grade. (I’m really about 80 years old on the inside. And I have been since I was 16.)
20. Drink more water.
21. Houston art sign pictures.
22. Paddle boarding in Galveston.
23. Wreck This Journal. An exercise in “letting it go” for rule-followers everywhere.
24. 1000 gifts — make a list of 1000 things I’m thankful for.
I am reminded today of how thankful I am for the people God has placed in my life. In the past year, I have seen and known the love of Christ in you in ways that I wouldn’t have known to ask for, but that He has graciously chosen to provide. Every. Single. One. Of. You. I have the best friends and the greatest family. And some of you fall into both categories. I am forever grateful.
These. And so many others.
Much love and happy-my-birthday to you!
Debi Kaplan
February 21, 2015 at 9:20 pmSweet girl, Happy Birthday to you! Roasting a turkey is so easy! The hard part is not overcooking it because most instructions will be for too long. Overcooked, they are dry.Also, recommend Anna Karinina for your classic!
Love you and praying blessings for you as you begin your 30th year. One suggestion I would add to your list would be to try really hard to enjoy horses more! Ha, ha.
February 23, 2015 at 8:48 pmI have tried. For my whole life. I’m sick of failing. haha
Debi Kaplan
February 21, 2015 at 9:20 pmSweet girl, Happy Birthday to you! Roasting a turkey is so easy! The hard part is not overcooking it because most instructions will be for too long. Overcooked, they are dry.Also, recommend Anna Karinina for your classic!
Love you and praying blessings for you as you begin your 30th year. One suggestion I would add to your list would be to try really hard to enjoy horses more! Ha, ha.
February 23, 2015 at 8:48 pmI have tried. For my whole life. I’m sick of failing. haha
Paula Carper
February 21, 2015 at 10:02 pmHappy Birthday, Cody! May God bless your 30th year with peace, joy and abundance!
Paula Carper
February 21, 2015 at 10:02 pmHappy Birthday, Cody! May God bless your 30th year with peace, joy and abundance!
February 21, 2015 at 11:15 pmHappy Birthday!! Think about Pride and Prejudice for your classic. If you decide to add calligraphy , art class or ballroom dance to your list then count me in!!
February 21, 2015 at 11:15 pmHappy Birthday!! Think about Pride and Prejudice for your classic. If you decide to add calligraphy , art class or ballroom dance to your list then count me in!!
February 22, 2015 at 1:51 amGone With the Wind is a classic! And a great choice! Also, we went to the place with the 4 states when I was around 13 so I don’t really remember much about it but I like being able to say I’ve been there! And I’m not sure if they have any in TX but the Ramblin Rose is a women’s sprint triathlon that I did a few years ago and there was a training class leading up to it which was awesome and super helpful and I would definitely recommend! Happy Birthday! And, apparently I’m very excited about all of this because I’ve ended every sentence with an exclamation point!
February 23, 2015 at 8:48 pmI’m going to go with Gone with the Wind and Pride and Prejudice. Such lofty goals. Haha!
February 22, 2015 at 1:51 amGone With the Wind is a classic! And a great choice! Also, we went to the place with the 4 states when I was around 13 so I don’t really remember much about it but I like being able to say I’ve been there! And I’m not sure if they have any in TX but the Ramblin Rose is a women’s sprint triathlon that I did a few years ago and there was a training class leading up to it which was awesome and super helpful and I would definitely recommend! Happy Birthday! And, apparently I’m very excited about all of this because I’ve ended every sentence with an exclamation point!
February 23, 2015 at 8:48 pmI’m going to go with Gone with the Wind and Pride and Prejudice. Such lofty goals. Haha!
Bonnie Likover
February 22, 2015 at 2:58 pmHappy, happy birthday to you! May your year be filled with divine-ness of every kind. LY Bonnie
February 23, 2015 at 8:47 pmThanks, Bonnie!
Bonnie Likover
February 22, 2015 at 2:58 pmHappy, happy birthday to you! May your year be filled with divine-ness of every kind. LY Bonnie
February 23, 2015 at 8:47 pmThanks, Bonnie!
February 23, 2015 at 4:23 pmHope your birthday was fantastic!! 29 will be a great year and I love your bucket list 🙂 I think my favorite is # 5! Have you read Pride & Prejudice? It’s my favorite, I love how romance was discussed and articulated back in those days. Hannes read it when we first started dating since he knew how much I enjoyed it. Hehe. Love your pictures too and how versatile your list is, totally doable and fun. I will try and think of other ideas! Look forward to seeing you soon <3
February 23, 2015 at 8:47 pmI’m getting lots of votes for Pride and Prejudice. I’m going to have to try it! Hope to see you soon too!
February 23, 2015 at 4:23 pmHope your birthday was fantastic!! 29 will be a great year and I love your bucket list 🙂 I think my favorite is # 5! Have you read Pride & Prejudice? It’s my favorite, I love how romance was discussed and articulated back in those days. Hannes read it when we first started dating since he knew how much I enjoyed it. Hehe. Love your pictures too and how versatile your list is, totally doable and fun. I will try and think of other ideas! Look forward to seeing you soon <3
February 23, 2015 at 8:47 pmI’m getting lots of votes for Pride and Prejudice. I’m going to have to try it! Hope to see you soon too!
How to Roast a Turkey: Christmas in July - Cody Andras
July 21, 2015 at 1:42 pm[…] A few days before I turned 29, I made a list of things I wanted to do before I turn 30. I need to keep you updated on my successful completion of these things. One thing on the list was to roast a turkey. When you roast a turkey, though, you need a lot of mouths to feed. So I rallied the troops, and we had Christmas in July! […]
How to Roast a Turkey: Christmas in July - Cody Andras
July 21, 2015 at 1:42 pm[…] A few days before I turned 29, I made a list of things I wanted to do before I turn 30. I need to keep you updated on my successful completion of these things. One thing on the list was to roast a turkey. When you roast a turkey, though, you need a lot of mouths to feed. So I rallied the troops, and we had Christmas in July! […]